Terms of use

FME SERVICES is a private limited company having a capital of €40,000
RCS Versailles 797 545 423

Address: 26 route de l'Étang-la-Ville, 78 750 Mareil-Marly, France

Director of publication: Fatou Mensch

Website design: Alez PC

Website hosting:
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix
Phone: +33.899701761

Intellectual property

The whole content of this site is the intellectual property of the company FME SERVICES. Reproduction and distribution of this site, in whole or in part, is prohibited by any means whatsoever.

The company FME SERVICES authorizes the users to download the files provided by hyperlinks.

Reproduction and use of information on its site (such as text, graphics and photographs) published by the company FME SERVICES are authorized only for private use and not for collective use (Article L. 122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code). Representation or reproduction, by any whatever means is deemed a counterfeit which is an offense leading to 3 year's imprisonment and a penalty of €300,000 (Articles L. 335-2 et al, of the French Intellectual Property Code).


We are aware of our responsibility regarding protection for your personal data. Information given to us is for our use exclusively and will not be transmitted to third parties under any circumstance.

In compliance with law relating to Data processing, Files and Freedom № 78-17 dated January 6th, 1978, you have of the right to be opposed to, to access and to correct data relating to you. You can exercise this right by mail or e-mail: .

Applications sent to the company FME SERVICES are exclusively intended to the people of the HR department who manage these candidatures.

Personal data

Crèche Libellule collect your data to process your contact request. By sending a message through this form, you agree to accept an email correspondence relating to your original request. The required data is necessary to answer your request; They will be kept for two years for follow-up. The information transmitted is reserved for the exclusive use of Crèche Libellule, and will not be shared with third parties. Computers and freedoms, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your data. You may also object, for legitimate reasons, to the use of your data. Since 25 May 2018, with the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to erase your data. You can go to: Crèche Libellule, 3 rue Chateaubriand 78112 Fourqueux or contact@creche-libellule.com, indicating in the subject of the mail "Law of persons" and enclosing the copy of your proof of identity.

Use of cookies

In compliance with the law relating to Data processing, Files and Freedom № 78-17 of January 6th, 1978, users are informed that cookies are installed on their computer for the best performance using the site. These cookies are used for information during user sessions and for usage statistics of the site by the Net surfers. No third party cookie (e.g. advertising or editor) is installed on the user's computer. Only cookies from Google Analytics are used to store information, such as the time at which the visitor came to the site, if the user has already visited before, and from which other site the user was redirected.

The user may refuse the installation of cookies by configuring their computer in the following way:

  • For Microsoft Internet Explorer, choose Tools menu - Internet options - Confidentiality and to select the level of confidentiality.
  • For Mozilla Firefox, choose Tools menu - Options - Privacy - Cookies tab and then personalize the given options.
  • For Google Chrome, Parameter menu - select advanced parameters - Parameters of contents and personalize the options.

However the refusal of the installation of cookies on the computer of the user is likely to worsen functions of the site and may prevent the user from accessing user information.